Conventions Of a Contents Page
- Arranged in columns, usually 3 or 4.
- One main picture relating to a feature article.
- Other smaller images.
- They have page numbers on the pictures which anchors them to the written contents.
- Name of the magazine is at the top, issue date and the word contents.
- Subscription and contact information.
- Sometimes an editors letter.
- Contents divided into catergories and headings used to identify each catergory.
- Image of the front cover of the magazine.
- Simple colour scheme.
- Contents are written in the same way-
First Line- page number- one or two words which could be artist name or ambigous text to intrigue the reader in bold type, often capital letters (average 12-13pt).
Sub Line- Gives you more specific detail about what the articles about in smaller font and roman (no bigger than 11pt).
- Photography is credited for the front cover.
- Interesting and varied photographs.
- Features and regulars - main catergory headings
- Bottom has page number followed by title and issue date, really small font, often followed by a web address.
- Usually one or two pages, no more.
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