Friday, 30 March 2012

Evaluation 6

I Used a macbook to do all the computer related tasks and my iphone 4s to take the pictures as this was the best camera I have and is easy to use

I used iPhoto to import all my photos from my phone using a service called photostream

I Used photoshop to compose all the magazine pages and to cut out my images and edit them

Evaluation 4

My target audience is Teenagers into grunge (The Alternative tribe of teens)

This Audience would by my magazine because:

  • The Bands/Artists in the magazine are typical for the genre of music they're in to
  • The fonts on the front cover are appealing to the target audience 
  • The Articles featured on the magazines front cover and contents page would attract the audiences attention
  • The Band featured in the magazine are from the same target audience 
  • i believe the artists on the front cover will mainly attract my target audience as that will be the main thing people notice when going to purchase a magazine like this

Evaluation Question 3

I Have Chosen Bauer Media Group as my chosen distributor as they sell a wide range of magazines for example Kerrang, Q and more. The Idea of a distributor is a company who can get my magazine from the printing press to the stores overnight and i believe bauer media group is the best one as they have a wide range of magazines from different styles. The money for getting the magazine published would come from a business loan and if the company was large enough shareholders. Also depending on wether advertisers would think the magazine was a viable investment money would also come from them to help distribute the magazine. My Magazine is institutionally similar to NME, Kerrang and Q in my opinion.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Evaluation 7

Looking back at the preliminary task i feel that i have learnt how to take a picture with the best lightening so theres little/shadows on the models face andbody. I have also learnt about which camera angles are the best to use when taking a photograph and which angles to avoid as they can make the model have the wrong impression on the audience. I have learnt about mise en scene and what should be in a shot and what shouldnt and also about the positioning of model in the shot. we have also been taught how to set up the model when taking photographs and when it comes to taking a magazine ive learnt that most models have a lack of facial expression in there pictures depending on genre. also compared to my preliminary task i have learned whats the best/ most appropriate back drop for my model to be against. I have also learnt what fonts to use for the style of magazine i have created as my preliminary magazine had fonts from all over the place.

I Learnt from my preliminary task how to use magazine age models effectively ad things like how the eye looks at a magazine e.g. the spiral effect and this helped me out when positioning objects on my page for my final design. I also learnt how to use rulers and grids in photoshop to make sure my text and photos were correctly aligned on the page. I also learnt the best way to position text on the page and what fonts were most appropriate and not to use to many fonts limit them to about 3-4 different types. Ive learnt to how to use the most appropriate backdrop for my images. 

evaluation 2

This magazine is aimed at the alternative group of social tribes and I believe this appeals to that group in this group of social tribes there are Gamers, Emos, Scene kids, Metalheads, Young alts, Skaters I believe my magazine and this one I am comparing it to appeals to them.

similarities between the two artists:
  • They both have no facial expression in the photos
  • They are both wearing casual clothes which show they not trying to impress with there clothing
  • They both look typical steretypes for the alternative/Rock genre
  • Both have similar poses in both theeir pictures
Differences between the two artists
  • Theirs a big difference Age
  • Jack black looks more meesy in the photo then my artist
  • hes holding a acoustic guitar and my artist has nothing
  • the envrionment for jack black is a live stage whereas my atist is againts a wall

Monday, 26 March 2012

Convetions of a Double Page Spread

Codes and Conventions of Magazine Double Page Spread

  • All have a main image which is relevant to the article.
  • Main text bigger than all text.
  • Columns.
  • Heading Long- Stands out.
  • Simple colour scheme- colours keep to a minimum.
  • One large picture which takes up to a whole page and sometimes bleeds between pages. (link the two pages together).
  • Sometimes the picture is a cross the whole DPS with all text on the picture.
  • Quotes are used sometimes in the title/headline on the picture stand first or to break up the text.
  • The stand first introduces the article and is positioned at the begginning of the headline.
  • Often includes the journalists name.
  • First letter of the article is bigger to show you where to start reading.
  • Other techniques for the same thing include bold text, slightly bigger type space, capitals at the start of the article.
  • Sometimes uses stylized fonts.
  • Headlines used to draw the reader in but don't tell them what the articles about thats done by stand first.
  • Byline-who wrote the article, photographers credit.
  • Laid out in 2-4 collumns.
  • Strap line at the top- what the article is about.
  • The article is usually written infromally and the personality
  • of the journalist come through.

Conventions of a magazine front cover

Codes And Conventions Of A Magazine Front Cover

A magazine usually consists of different elements such as ‘ingredients’ that all adjoin together to make a successful production.
These elements consist of:
A Masthead: The title used by known typography to make the readers become familiar with what magazine they are reading.

Main Image: Typically consisting of a leading artist(s) or band(s) within the music genre of the magazine, to attract readers.
Strapline: Seen as an introductory headline below the main title (the masthead), to give an insight to the magazine.
Top and Bottom Strip: These are the strips below and above the magazine that give further information to what may be included in the magazine. Mostly being the interesting parts of the magazine.

Pug: ‘The ears of the magazine’, can either be at the top left or/and right-hand corners of the front cover. The prices of the paper, the logo or a promotion are positioned there or even a freebie is placed there to catch the reader’s eye. When the reader is to open the magazine it is likely that they are too see the pug this of which can aware them on the positive aspects inside the magazine.
Tag: This doesn’t have to be on the front cover but I believe that it makes the magazine more efficient as the word or phrase is used to engage a reader’s interest in a story by categorising it e.g. ‘Exclusive’, ‘Sensational’, this showing that the magazine has high compliments.

Coverlines: The essential articles inside the magazine are stated through sell lines, these are regularly seen at the right hand side of the cover.

Left Third: The left third contains the main feature article (Exclusive interview or ‘Puff Piece’), as this is the core part of what may be inside the magazine. It also includes the main artist or band situated within.

Barcode/Dateline & Price: A dateline in which the date of publish and the price are shown, the barcode is just the importance of the retailer.

Keylight: Usually highlighting the main artist or featured lines,

Conventions Of a Contents Page


  • Arranged in columns, usually 3 or 4.
  • One main picture relating to a feature article.
  • Other smaller images.
  • They have page numbers on the pictures which anchors them to the written contents.
  • Name of the magazine is at the top, issue date and the word contents.
  • Subscription and contact information.
  • Sometimes an editors letter.
  • Contents divided into catergories and headings used to identify each catergory.
  • Image of the front cover of the magazine.
  • Simple colour scheme.
  • Contents are written in the same way-
    First Line- page number- one or two words which could be artist name or ambigous text to intrigue the reader in bold type, often capital letters (average 12-13pt).
    Sub Line- Gives you more specific detail about what the articles about in smaller font and roman (no bigger than 11pt).
  • Photography is credited for the front cover.
  • Interesting and varied photographs.
  • Features and regulars - main catergory headings
  • Bottom has page number followed by title and issue date, really small font, often followed by a web address.
  • Usually one or two pages, no more.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1

The title in kerrang magazine is similar to the one i used with bold black font and white background as the masthead.
The page layout/model is similar as it uses similar to mine as we Have text in similar places like band names and i have a header and footer similar to kerrangs but i have no pictures on my front cover other then the main one of the band and kerrang has a few small images scattered across the front cover to give the reader an insight as to what other bands are featured in the magazine.
My magazine has a darker picture to reflect the genre of the band and the picture in this is well lit, clear to see, cut out to overpower the title and has no background
The bands costume in both of the magazines appear to just be there casual clothes this shows they not trying to impress anyone and this represents genre and the magazine to be grungy.
The postioning of the models is different in the kerrang magazine compared to mine as the models/bands are postioned higher up in kerrang magazine as there heads begin to cover up the title and in mine the model is more centered.
This magazine has pictures and teasers on the front cover this gives an insight of the content that the magazine features and mine has lines of text telling the reader what bands are inside the magazine this gives the reader an insight as to its content but i should have included some more images on the front page to fill it out more and to make it look less empty.
I would say my magazine appeals to my target market because it has grungy fonts that appeal to the area of the market i am trying to sell to which is the alternative group of social tribes.
The image on the front of my magazine sets the tone for the whole magazine as it has a low light a plain background with lack of props, the picture is also framed so you can see the model clearly and part of the environment he is in (Background) the image was taken at a high angle to make it look like the model we the reader have authority over the model.
I think the fonts used throughout the magazine represents the genre well as is grungy and has attitude i used the DaFont website to get the 'Dirty Headline' font used for the magazines title and various other titles throughout the magazine and the 'Urban Jungle' font which is used for the chiquitos name i found this gave the band more of an identity and made them seem unique.
The Magazine has a similar model to this kerrang magazine as the text is placed very in similar places and the Bands Names Are in Similar places.

My Contents page isn't as filled with content as kerrangs but i feel this gives it a cleaner look and makes it easier to read. My Contents follows the general conventions of a magazine contents page it has pictures sacttered around the page and its listed in columns I believe this makes the page looks clean and easy to read and understand the information. The pictures are all relevent to articles in the magazine. Unlike kerrangs i havent added loads of information like quotes and teaser on my magazine as i wanted to keep it quite simplistic and clean.

In My Double Page Spread I Decided to seperate my article in to 3 seperate columns and i made the Questions bold to distinguish who was asking them and who was answering them. the font on my bands title stands out from rest of the text and gives the band a unique identity. my photo on the laft page of the double page spread is well cut out and fills the whole page its is is also positioned so it grabs the readers attention and I think this uses the spiral effect. mine dosent have a footer style column running down the side. my double page spread follows most of the basic conventions